Monday, December 29, 2008

Guatemala 25-Dec, 2008 Fishing Report

The sailfish fishing here in Guatemala changes after the second week of December. Good numbers have been reported as 20 sails in the spread per boat to 50 bites in the last couple days, fishing an average of 5 or 6 boats per day.

I went out aboard the LA PENULTIMA as the captain, we run more of 25 miles without finding clear or blue water, finally we find the blue water in the 30 miles to 170 degrees from the Puerto Quetzal about 9:00 am. We fish for about 30 minutes and have a 125 lbs marlin bite in the flat line butt the mate sancocho with the medium size ballyhoo, after that we pass more than 1 hr without a bite.

10:30 am we raised 6 sails in the spread and hook 4 in the same time, we release the 4 sailsfish – a good start…

…last night I got a report that the CAÑASO had over 35 sails within the spread only 4 teaser in the water because they have Tony Luduvico taking pictures and video.

The DROP IT release 35 sails yesterday from more of 55 bites, another 2 boats caught 25 sails. >>> Filed by Sancocho (La Penultima)

You can visit to learn more about fishing in Guatemala or to make a reservation.

1 comment:

williams said...

Why don't you guys share report of recent year?