Wednesday, February 6, 2008

To the 6th..Fishing

A quick report.....

The fishing has been outstanding. We have been fishing with Guatemalan regular Jim Williams along with Don Smith and Ron Hauck fishing on the fly. A great bite right at the bottom of the pocket yesterday intensified today, the current is pushing in and there is bait galore. It has bee making it difficult, or challenging, for those of us fishing the fly. First day out all the boats on fly raised over 30 fish releasing up to 8. The boats on bait raised up to 54 and released over 30. Yesterday was red hot from the get go, still hard to get them to tease in aggressively with all the bait around, though they did bite better today. Most boats raised over 50, we had 61 up and teased.......just 26 bites. On the fly boats released up to 14 as the bites were not that great with alot coming un-stuck mid fight. On the baits, (conventional) the guys were crushing them releasing up to 47 and raising up to 80 odd sails. Today it continued, we raised 52 fish that teased in (not counting the fish that came up and faded before 'locking' on to a teaser) and had 19 bites on the fly releasing 8. A bit of bad luck saw several store bought tippets popping at the huffnuggle knot, making it a bit frustrating esp seeing the drag's set at a less then 5lb's at the end of the day and still having problems with them. The mates here tie most of what we use with good results and we'll supply them for free if you are thinking of coming down here for fly fishing.
All in all it has been great fishing, and the body of fish is big with boats spread over several miles of water and all experiencing great action. Lot's of big dorados on the mix also.
A better report to come in the next few days.
We do have a few openings later this month from the 15th on. If you're thinking about it, just do it!!
We also have a new go fast 31 Jupiter fully equipped with experienced Capt and very competitively priced with plenty of openings

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